ISPO UK launches first of a range of Multidisciplinary Clinical Interest Groups
Upper Limb Difference & Acquired Amputation - the first of a range of Multidisciplinary Clinical Interest Groups to be developed by ISPO UK MS! Inaugural meeting to be held on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 2.30 pm online.
This forum will be chaired by Dr Alix Chadwell, University of Salford, and Morven McAlinden, RNOH, Stanore and will be an opportunity for participants to engage with professionals with a common interest in this speciality, broaden knowledge, identify, facilitate and educate, access the ISPO pool of expertise, facilitate a friendly and professional support network ... and more!
Test Standards for Direct Skeletal Fixation Failsafe Devices: Report on Workshop Aug 2020
A report on the recent Workshop on Test Standards for DSF Failsafe Devices is now available for download here.
The workshop, co-convened by Professor Peter Lee, Director, ARC CMIT, and Professor Sir Saeed Zahedi, Technical Director at Blatchford, arose as a consequence of discussions at the 2019 ISPO UK Annual Scientific Meeting where it was recognised that there is ambiguity between the testing of the implant failsafe mechanism and the structural testing of prosthetics.
New Date for ISPO's 18th World Congress 2021
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the safety of participants and exhibitors, the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) has changed the dates of the ISPO 18th World Congress to 1 to 4 November 2021. The Congress will still take place at the Expo Guadalajara Convention & Exhibition Centre in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Fuller details, together with new deadlines for programme submission can be found here.
ISPO mourns loss of Elaine Figgins
We sadly lost our great friend, colleague and long standing ISPO member, Elaine Figgins, from this world at the end of June 2020 when she passed peacefully in her sleep after a two-year battle with secondary metastatic cancer.
Read Elaine's obituary and contribution to prosthetics & orthotics here...
Covid-19: Guidance to Support Reimplementation of Prosthetic Services
The Inter Regional Prosthetic Audit Group (IRPAG) and BSRM (SIGAM) Working Group have recently published Guidance to Support Reimplementation of Prosthetic Services with the aim of assisting escalation of services in a safe and consistent manner across all prosthetic centres.
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